For Ages
5 to 8

Molly the Brave and Me is a part of the Step into Reading Step into Reading®(Step 3) collections.

Certain friends give you the confidence to be braver than you feel! It's great to have a friend like Molly to look up to. This Step 3 will give readers confidence in themselves and their reading skills!

Beth wishes she were more like Molly, who doesn't mind if boys hide dead bugs in her desk, and who tells big kids to get lost if they tease her. But Beth can be braver than she realizes.

Step 3 Readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics--for children who are ready to read on their own.

"Beth is flattered when Molly invites her to stay overnight at her house in the country; when the girls get lost, Beth is the one who gets them home. This read-alone book will be a welcome addition to libraries."--School Library Journal.